Leap (Sedhumani) Mac OS

Papers / Presentations

Aug 15th, 3:15 PM Aug 15th, 4:45 PM. Leadership, Excellence and Professionalism (LEaP) Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602) United Airlines is proactively preparing for known and unknown operations threats associated with retirements, hiring, growth along with the pending generational upheaval, NextGen, technology, and the upcoming mandate on professionalism. The Leap Motion works on all of these OS-es. While not initially developed on the Mac, the intention was that the lazarus components for the Leap Motion were usable on all platforms that the Leap supports, and this includes Mac OS. 1 Introduction The Leap Motion works on all major platforms: Windows, Mac OS and Linux. So does Lazarus. As with Linux, or Windows for that matter, OS X can have more than one partition, such as one for the operating system, and another for user data analogous to /home. Most references to specific partitions here assume that Linux (and Windows) would be added to an existing Mac OS installation. It may be that the latest Mac policies restricts access to camera-like devices (which LEAP seems to be), and that getting this permission is non-trivial. Myk 2020-09-30 21:10:11 UTC #19 +1 I'm looking for Leap to MIDI support on MacOS.


Presenter Information

Presenter Email



Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

Start Date

8-15-2017 3:15 PM

End Date

8-15-2017 4:45 PM

Submission Type



Topic Area

Professionalism in aviation


Aviation, Professionalism, Leadership, Airlines


United Airlines is proactively preparing for known and unknown operations threats associated with retirements, hiring, growth along with the pending generational upheaval, NextGen, technology, and the upcoming mandate on professionalism and mentorship. We are focused on an immediate and lasting improvement in safety along with positively defining the future United Flight Operations culture.

Presenter Biography

Captain Mike McCasky is the Managing Director - Flight Training for United Airlines. The Training organization is responsible for pilot recruiting, pilot hiring and provides Initial, Transition and Recurrent training to 12,000 pilots, on 6 fleets, with a fleet of 44 Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) and 450 Instructors and Evaluators. Mike also serves as the Chairman of the Airlines for American (A4A) Training Committee, and is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Pilot Training Task force. Mike is an industry “Trustee” for the University Aviation Association (UAA) board and a member of the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI).

Prior to returning to Flight Training, Mike was the Southwest region Chief Pilot where he was responsible for the Denver and Los Angeles pilot domiciles, managing approximately 1400 pilots. During his time as a Chief Pilot, Mike led the effort to develop an enterprise wide program to measure and manage Flight Operations performance which generated industry leading results for the airline.

Mike has had various other leadership roles in Flight Operations to include the Director of Flight Training, Assistant Chief Pilot, Manager of Human Factors, and Line Check Airman for the A320 fleet. Mike was an integral part in the merger of the United and Continental pilot training programs and also managed the harmonization of the policies and procedures between the Denver and Houston Flight Training Centers.

Originally hired in June of 1990 as a 727 Second Officer, Mike holds type ratings on the 727, 737, A320 and Convair 580 airplanes. Prior to his career at the airlines, Mike flew for a number of corporate operators, including Mitsubishi Aircraft, Whittle Communications and Kroger Foods while exercising his CFII/MEII privileges at the same time.

1148 McCasky.pptx (2319 kB)
Original PowerPoint, Full-res


Leap (sedhumani) Mac Os Pro

COinSAug 15th, 3:15 PMAug 15th, 4:45 PM

Leadership, Excellence and Professionalism (LEaP)

Jim W. Henderson Administration & Welcome Center (Bldg. #602)

United Airlines is proactively preparing for known and unknown operations threats associated with retirements, hiring, growth along with the pending generational upheaval, NextGen, technology, and the upcoming mandate on professionalism and mentorship. We are focused on an immediate and lasting improvement in safety along with positively defining the future United Flight Operations culture.

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Leap (sedhumani) mac os pro

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Leap 4. A more natural way.

With Leap you find things based on your natural memory of that file. “Hhmm it was a big photoshop file of a basketball court” or “Something I tagged important” or “A word document somewhere in my documents folder”. With the Finder though, it’s more like “I think it might be called bball.psd and that I put it in the originals folder in images in the Project 29 folder which I think I put in Documents… nope, not there… where did I put it?”

Folders and rigid hierarchies might have made sense back when we had hundreds of files, but we’re now swimming in images, files, movies and other data. That’s where tags come in. Tags are keywords that you assign to a file. This makes it extremely easy to find documents, regardless of their location. Why hunt through an arcane hierarchy of folders and files to find the document we want? Apple’s Finder first came out over 20 years ago and we think it’s time for a new approach to finding, organizing and browsing your most important documents.

Latest macOS ready.

Leap 4 has been updated to work with the latest macOS and development is ongoing. If you have used our products in the past, then simply running Leap or Yep will convert all your tags. More information is available here and here. We keep Yep tuned as Apple releases new OS versions.

Welcome to the Dark side.

Our most requested feature is finally here… support for Dark Mode! Whether you’ve been turned to the Dark (Mode) side, or you’re a fan of sticking to the Light, we’ve got you covered. (Requires macOS 10.14+)

Serendipity. (You have to be good to be lucky, and lucky to be good).

Wikipedia defines serendipity as the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.

Leap’s ability to quickly browse like documents allow you to stumble upon not only the file you were looking for but sometimes an even better one that you weren’t looking for. Leap’s search results show up as beautiful, scalable thumbnails that can be ordered anyway you want.

Use Leap’s loupe tool to inspect the document in perfect detail.

User approved.

A video from one user explaining how he uses Leap to help manageFinal Cut workflows is at youtube.

Leap (sedhumani) Mac Os Catalina

Get Leap 4 now:

Note: If you have already purchased Leap from the Mac App Store, you can contact our support for a discounted upgrade coupon.

Need support for an older version of macOS?

Leap (sedhumani) Mac Os Download

(also runs as a demo version)

Leap (sedhumani) Mac Os X

Download Leap for OS X 10.9 – 10.12