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Ve el perfil de Mario Carranza en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Mario tiene 11 empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los contactos y empleos de Mario en empresas similares. UTEP to Allow 8 Guests Per Graduate at May Commencement Ceremonies. After carefully reviewing the level of COVID-19 in the community and the expected number of graduates participating in The University of Texas at El Paso’s in-person Commencement ceremonies, UTEP will allow graduating students to bring up to eight guests each to the ceremonies on May 14 and 15 in Sun Bowl Stadium. Emanuel is a very skilled professional regarding IT, namely working with Apple/Mac OS Server and Microsoft/Windows. He has a great technical skill set, but that's not the only value that he can bring to a working environment. His social skills make him a exceptional communicator, a very good co-worker and an excellent friend.
Home > York College > Publications and Research > 251
Publications and Research
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This paper presents a corpus-sociolinguistic analysis of lyrics and com-ments from videos for four US-Latinx hip hop songs on YouTube. A‘post-varieties’ (Seargeant and Tagg 2011) analysis of the diversity andhybridity of linguistic production in the YouTube comments finds thenotions of codemeshing and plurilingualism (Canagarajah 2009) usefulin characterizing the language practices of the Chicanx community ofthe Southwestern US, while a focus on the linguistic practices of com-menters on Northeastern ‘core’ artists’ tracks validate the use of namedlanguage varieties in examining language attitudes and ideologies asthey emerge in commenters’ discussions. Finally, this article advancesthe sociolinguistics of orthography (Sebba 2007) by examining thesocial meanings of a vast array of creative and novel orthographicforms, which often blur the supposed lines between language varieties.
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Anthropological Linguistics and Sociolinguistics Commons, Discourse and Text Linguistics Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons, Modern Languages Commons
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