Moon Base Defender Mac OS

  1. Moon Base Defender Mac Os Catalina
  2. Moon Base Defender Mac Os X
  3. Moon Base Defender Mac Os X
  4. Moon Base Defender Mac Os Download
  5. Moon Base Defender Mac Os Download
Moon Base Defender Mac OS

The base game contains 57 achievements, and there are 17 DLC packs containing 61 achievements. Hardcore Mythical Defender. Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Genres: Action, Indie, RPG, Strategy Size: 6.30GB Links: Official site App ID: 65800. The disk has an operating system (macOS Big Sur), and user data (apps, etc). And since you only have one disk, this is your startup disk: all 500GB. A Mac with two disks will have the storage divided between them. The Mac drive with the OS on it is the startup disk while the other drive is just used for storage of files. Zarya-1 plays like reading the script of am audio dra,a in 'Choose your own adventure' style. You are guiding a team of four astronauts who have been sent to the moon to investigate strange radio signal. The game is presented through dialog between the astronauts and about a dozen still images. KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. Sophos Home for Mac OS X 10.8 or higher. Sophos Home will remove malware, viruses, ransomware and malicious apps and programs. It goes far beyond signature-based prevention of known malware. Follow the steps below to create an account, download and install Sophos Home, and enable security scanning on your computer.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in my posts on this site are mine & mine alone & don’t necessarily reflect the views of Microsoft. All posts are provided “AS IS” with no warranties & confers no rights. If I post any code, scripts or demos, they are provided for the purpose of illustration & are not intended to be used in a production environment. They are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. I grant you a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use & modify my sample code & to reproduce & distribute the object code form of the sample code, provided that you agree: (i) to not use my name, my companies name, logo, or trademarks to market your software product in which the sample code is embedded; (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on your software product in which the sample code is embedded; and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend me, Microsoft & our suppliers from & against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the sample code.

Updated: N/A

Published: Oct 10th, 2020

Applies to:

Microsoft Defender Endpoint* for Mac (MDE for macOS)

*formerly Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection. (MDATP for macOS)


  • Security architect
  • Security administrator
  • Security analyst
  • IT architect
  • IT administrator
  • IT help desk
  • IT field support

Hi all,

Just like MDE for Linux (MDATP for Linux), just in case if you run into a high cpu utilization with WDAVDaemon, you could go thru the following steps:

You deploy MDE for Mac and a few of your Mac might exhibit higher cpu utilization by wdavdaemon (the MDATP daemon, and for those coming from the Windows world, a service).

It’s a balancing act of providing the protection and performance.

Even though we test different set of enterprise macOS application for compatibility reasons, the industry that you are in, might have a macOS application that we have not tested.

Security Administrators, Security Architects, and IT Administrators will need to tune these macOS systems to meet their specific needs.

Use the different diagnostic procedures below to identify the component that is causing the high cpu utilization.

The ISV (including in-house built apps) should be following the guide below of working with your Independent Software Vendor (ISV):

Partnering with the industry to minimize false positives,Defender%20ATP%29%20protect%20millions%20of%20customers%20from%20threats.

And submitting it to the Microsoft Defender Security Intelligence portal

Select “Software developer”.

Note: If for whatever reason, the ISV is not doing the submission, you should select “Enterprise customer”.

Check on your ISV’s website for a Knowledge base (KB) article for antimalware (and/or antivirus) exclusions.

If they have one and it states to exclude everything, then you should look at the “Work-around Alternate 2” below. Since you don’t want to punch a whole thru your defense.

If they don’t have a list, please open a support ticket with them. Meanwhile, to alleviate the problem you should look at “Work-around Alternate 2” below.

[Work-around Alternate 2]

Remove “Real-Time Protection” protection out of the way.

Troubleshoot performance issues for Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac

Note: After going thru the steps above, don’t forget to re-enable Real-time protection in order for the data to collection to work.

Terminal (sudo/root)

mdatp config real-time-protection –value enabled


To find the applications that are triggering the most scans, you can use real-time statistics gathered by Microsoft Defender ATP for macOS.

Enable Real-time Protection Statistics:

Terminal (sudo/root)

mdatp config real-time-protection-statistics –value enabled

Note: In Production channel

Note 2: Not needed in Dogfood and InsidersFast channels since its enabled by default.

Note 3: The output of this command will show all processes and their associated scan activity. To improve the performance of Microsoft Defender ATP for macOS, locate the one with the highest number under the Total files scanned row and add an exclusion for it.

<reproduce the issue>

mdatp diagnostic real-time-protection-statistics –output json > real_time_protection_logs

Note: It’s going to be important to add the –output json in order to have it in json format, which the parser will be parsing.

mdatp config real-time-protection-statistics –value disabled

On your Windows system:

Create a folder in C:tempHigh_CPU_util_parser_for_macOS

From your macOS system, copy the outputreal_time_protection_logs to C:tempHigh_CPU_util_parser_for_macOS

Note: This parses json output format. If the output format is different, then you’ll need a different parser.

Note 2: This sample Powershell (PoSh) script is now available at

#Clear the screen
# Set the directory path where the output is located
$Directory = “C:tempHigh_CPU_util_parser_for_macOS”
# Set the path to where the input file (in Json format) is located
$InputFilename = “.real_time_protection_logs”
# Set the path to where the file (in csv format)is located
$OutputFilename = “.real_time_protection_logs_converted.csv”
# Change directory
cd $Directory
# Convert from json
$json = Get-Content $InputFilename convertFrom-Json select -expand value
# Convert to CSV and sort by the totalFilesScanned column
## –NoTypeInformation switched parameter. This will keep the Type information from being written to the first line of the file. If the Type information is written, it will mess up the column display in Excel.
### Optional, you could try using -Unique to remove the 0 files that are not part of the performance impact.
$json Sort-Object -Property totalFilesScanned –Descending ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation Out-File $OutputFilename -Encoding ascii
#Open up in Microsoft Excel
Invoke-Item $OutputFilename

Save the file as MDE_macOS_High_CPU_json_parser.ps1 to C:tempHigh_CPU_util_parser_for_macOS

Note: You may want to first save it in Notepad or your preferred text editor, change UTF-8 to ANSI. Replace the double quotes (“) and the elongated dashes (-) before you try running the Powershell script.

Powershell (Run as admin)

Microsoft Excel should open up.

Add the path and/or pathprocess to the exclusion list.

[To add the process and paths to the allow exception list]

These these:

Scan exclusions

Type of exclusion

Path to excluded content

Path type (file / directory)–directory

File extension excluded from the scan

Process excluded from the scan

To your MDM management product:

Intune profile

Property list for JAMF configuration profile

If you are setting it locally during a POC:

Add/remove an antivirus exclusion for a file extension
mdatp exclusion extension [add remove] --name [extension]

Moon Base Defender Mac Os Catalina

Add/remove an antivirus exclusion for a file
mdatp exclusion file [add remove] --path [path-to-file]

Add/remove an antivirus exclusion for a directory
mdatp exclusion folder [add remove] --path [path-to-directory]

Add/remove an antivirus exclusion for a process
mdatp exclusion process [add remove] --path [path-to-process]
mdatp exclusion process [add remove] --name [process-name]

List all antivirus exclusions
mdatp exclusion list

Moon Base Defender Mac Os X


Configuring from the command line



Twitter: @YongRheeMSFT

Some of the recent scams that used bogus security alerts in a bid to frighten Mac users into purchasing worthless security software appear to have been the brainchild of ChronoPay, Russia’s largest online payment processor and something of a pioneer in the rogue anti-virus business.

Since the beginning of May, security firms have been warning Apple users to be aware of new scareware threats like MacDefender and Mac Security. The attacks began on May 2, spreading through poisoned Google Image Search results. Initially, these attacks required users to provide their passwords to install the rogue programs, but recent variants do not, according to Mac security vendor Intego.

A few days after the first attacks surfaced, experienced Mac users on Apple support forums began reporting that new strains of the Mac malware were directing users to pay for the software via a domain called Others spotted fake Mac security software coming from When I first took a look at the registration records for those domains, I was unsurprised to find the distinct fingerprint of ChronoPay, a Russian payment processor that I have written about time and again as the source of bogus security software.

Moon Base Defender Mac Os X

The WHOIS information for bothdomains includes the contact address of Last year, ChronoPay suffered a security breach in which tens of thousands of internal documents and emails were leaked. Those documents show that ChronoPay owns the domain and pays for the virtual servers in Germany that run it. The records also indicate that the address belongs to ChronoPay’s financial controller Alexandra Volkova.

Recent domain purchases tied to ChronoPay's account.

The leaked documents also have given ChronoPay’s enemies access to certain online records that the company maintains, such as domain registration accounts tied to the firm. Both and were suspended by the registrar — a company in the Czech Republic called But a screen shot shared with shows that someone recently used that account to register two more Mac security-related domains that haven’t yet shown up in rogue anti-virus attacks against Mac users: and

Perhaps Apple will have better luck than others who have tried convincing ChronoPay to quit the rogue anti-virus business, but I’m not holding my breath. As I noted in a story earlier this year, ChronoPay has been an unabashed “leader” in the scareware industry for quite some time. In 2008, it was the core processor for, the rogue anti-virus affiliate program that was designed to be the beneficiary of the first strain of the Conficker worm, a menacing contagion that still infects millions of PCs worldwide. Last March, the company was at the forefront of another emerging scam, when it began processing payments for, a scam site that targeted filesharing users and stole victims’ money by bullying them into paying a “pre-trial settlement” to cover a “Copyright holder fine.”

Update, May 29: ChronoPay responded by publishing a statement denying any involvement in the MacDefender attacks.

Moon Base Defender Mac Os Download

Original post:

Moon Base Defender Mac Os Download

Apple has issued an official support note telling users how to avoid or remove Mac Defender malware. ZDNet also got hold an unofficial document that Apple apparently is distributing to its customer support personnel in charge of fielding complaints about the attacks. I should point out that all of the rules from my recent blog post Krebs’s 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety apply just as well to Mac users as they do to Windows folks. But #1 is the most important, and keeps Mac users out of trouble here: “If you didn’t go looking for it, don’t install it!”