Social Distancing (mudlee) Mac OS
Software Description: VSPlayer is a free media player designed for Mac OS. It provides an intuitive, easy to use interface to play digital media file, and supports a myriad of audio and video formats. In addition, it offers many advanced features, is extremely customizable, and is available in both Chinese and English. Apple has enhanced the warnings Snow Leopard users get when directly downloading or opening disk images containing files known to be malicious. This article, the fifth in a series looking closer. Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare but severe disease that is transmitted among humans through direct-contact with, and close proximity to, infected bodily fluids. From 2014-16, West Africa experienced the largest Ebola outbreak ever recorded, infecting over 28,000 people, and killing over 11,000. Although the symptoms of EVD are treatable, the disease can be extremely deadly, with an average.
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News Releases
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Most of the attention during the COVID-19 global pandemic has been on the medical and public health impact, as it should be. But what about the impact on human interactions? How has COVID-19 affected our social and relational health?
Publication Date
Cedarville, Cedarville University, COVID-19, social distancing
Recommended Citation
Weinstein, Mark D., 'How Social Distancing is Changing Human Behavior' (2020). News Releases. 1158.
Since August 20, 2020
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Organizational Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons
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Article Title
This study compares the perception of stigma measured as social distance between users (n = 40) and non-users (n = 202) of local food pantries in the Upper Midwest. Utilizing the concept of social distance to measure social disapproval and stigma with a new Food Pantry Stigma Scale, these nonprobability results indicated that users’ perception of stigma was significantly higher than the non-using public (Cohen’s d = 1.56). These findings suggest that public support for need-based use of local food pantries in the Upper Midwest is substantially higher than those facing food insecurity anticipate.
Recommended Citation
Kindle, Peter A.; Foust-Newton, McKayla; Reis, Marissa; and Gell, Margaret (2019) 'Food Pantries and Stigma: Users’ Concerns and Public Support,' Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal: Vol. 11 : No. 1 , Article 2.
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Social Distancing (mudlee) Mac Os 7
Included in
Food Security Commons, Food Studies Commons, Social Work Commons
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Social Distancing (mudlee) Mac Os X
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